Dream Quality & Dream Hangovers?

Can Dreams affect Sleep Quality?

Although at times they can be completely bizarre, dreams are a normal part of sleep and an everyday occurrence in our lives. Despite the vast majority of people being unable to remember what they dreamt the night before, we actually dream for two hours each night, usually as we enter into the ‘Rapid Eye Movement’ form of sleep, usually referred to as (REM).

Essentially, dreams are unavoidable, but could they be affecting the quality of your sleep? Read below to find out more.

Dreams can make you feel hungover

Having a bad dream can actually cause what is referred to as a ‘dream hangover’, with particularly horrible nightmares making it difficult for people to fall back to sleep, and when sleep is achieved, to actually get a good quality doze!

So, next time you’re dozing the day after a nightmare, you can probably put your poor sleep down to your frightening dream…

Happy Dream = Good Sleep

Although we are still working on the evidence behind this, in various studies, people who dreamt happy dreams woke feeling well rested and in a great mood, as opposed to people who suffered sleep loss or were plagued with nightmares.

We still don’t know for sure on the science behind this, but the mood in which we wake can impact the rest of our day, and if we wake in a happy mood, thanks to a joyful dream, it’s very likely that feelings of happiness and contentedness will follow.

Dreaming in Real Life

Our dreams are heavily influenced by our reality. Studies have shown that people who suffer from stress or are battling depression struggle with their sleeping pattern, and if our reality reflects our dreams, then nightmares can be a common occurrence, leading to poor sleep.

Tackle the problem at the root cause. You might not be able to influence your dreams directly, but you can work to relieve stresses and pressures in the day, leading to happier dreams and a better sleep.

Ultimately give yourself the best chance by establishing a bedtime routine and naturally our carefully crafted mattresses and pillows make for the perfect addition to any bedtime routine. Find your local stockist and see how MLILY can help you transform your bedroom into your happy place!

Self Care

Self-care has increased in prominence over recent years, with many highting its importance amongst the stresses of everyday life. For many people short on time, self-care can be tricky to fit into their working day. Despite this, no one should have to miss out. Not only is self-care an enjoyable practice to partake in, studies have shown that it can boost mood and alleviate the symptoms of depression and anxiety. Follow these tips for fitting in selfcare for when you’re short on time.

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5 Benefits of Owning A Bamboo Infused Mattress

Did you know that the average person spends one-third of their life asleep? This means that choosing the right, high-quality mattress that meets all of your sleep needs is essential. With so many options on the market, it can be difficult to know what sleep solution is right for you. If you’re looking for a high-quality mattress that favours cooling comfort and support, you may be in the market for a bamboo mattress.

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How a Cooler Beds Promote Deeper Sleep

A good night’s rest is one of the most important things we can do for our bodies. It allows us to re-energize, stay in good health, and feel ready to take on the day. However, almost 41% of people report having trouble sleeping due to feeling too hot throughout the night. We all know the feeling of waking up in the middle of the night sweaty, sticky, and agitated by the unwanted heat trapped in our beds.

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