5 Signs it’s Time to Get A New Mattress

Did you know the average life of a mattress is between 7-10 years? How long have you owned your mattress? If the number lingers between the two, it may be time to consider replacing your old mattress with a new one.

It can be hard letting go of your mattress, especially when it’s served you well for many years. However, nothing lasts forever. So, when is the right time to ditch your mattress? Let’s dive into a few signs that’ll let you know it’s time to say goodbye to your old friend.


One of the more obvious signs you may notice is your mattress is beginning to sag. This is a clear sign that you’ll need to start looking for a new bed as soon as possible. Why do mattresses sag? This is typically a result of weakened coils in your bed or when the memory foam begins to lose its elasticity. If you’re not sure if your mattress is sagging, try lying down and seeing if it returns back to its original, flat appearance when you get up. If there is an observable body impression, it’s safe to say your mattress has reached the end of its life.

Noticeable Smell

Another clear sign you may notice is if your mattress has begun to smell poorly. This is a direct result of mildew, mold, and fungi buildup over time, which happens at an accelerated rate for folks that live in more humid climates. Next time you’re changing your sheets, take a minute to smell your mattress. If it’s not all roses and daisies–it’s probably time to ditch it.

Noisy Mattress

There is nothing worse than lying in bed trying to get comfortable as your mattress squeaks and screeches. Although this is predominantly a problem that applies to mattresses with metal coils, it can be a really annoying problem that doesn’t always have an easy fix.

We suggest tightening any and all bolts to first try and resolve the issue. If the noises persist, it’s usually a sure-sign that the coils have run their course and it’s time to replace your mattress.

Painful Wakeups

If you find yourself constantly waking up in pain after what should have been a long night’s sleep, your mattress is probably the culprit. Over time, and with natural wear and tear, our mattresses begin to lose their once supportive and comfortable nature. This is a strong indicator that your mattress needs replacing. If you deal with neck, shoulder, or lower back pain when you wake, it’s possible that your mattress is not able to properly support you like it used to.

You shouldn’t have to start your mornings off in pain. If you begin to recognize any of these issues, don’t wait to replace your mattress as it could further elevate your pain and problems.

Loss of Comfort

Like the supportiveness of our mattresses, overall comfortability also begins to decline as time and usage goes on. You shouldn’t have to toss and turn all night to get comfortable. If you are, it may be that your mattress has declined in quality and needs replacing. Don’t put your sleep health in jeopardy for an unsupportive, uncomfortable mattress.

Overall, you’ll notice some pretty apparent signs when your mattress has reached the end of its life. So where do you go from there? When looking for a new sleep solution, it’s important to find a mattress that is right for you and your sleep needs. At MLILY, we and our stockists, we want to help you find your perfect sleep match.

Plus, with every MLILY purchase comes a 10-year warranty to help you rest easy knowing that your new mattress will last you its full lifetime. Find your new MLILY mattress today to make better sleep a habit and get the restorative night’s sleep you deserve and be ready to take on tomorrow!

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